Ā 6 Totally Scientific Reasons Babies Born in December Rock

Sonja Haller USA TODAY

So you're having your baby during one of the busiest months of the year?


You're giving yourself the BESTĀ present.

December is such a cozy month toĀ snuggleĀ up with your baby. But there are more reasons to love having a December baby.

This list isn't of the silly internet-isms like DecemberĀ babies are open-hearted fairy whisperers ā€” which may or may not be true. This isĀ scientific.

6 reasons your December baby is a real rock star:

  1. They're rareĀ 

December babies are rare, particularly if they were born Dec. 24Ā or Dec. 25, which areĀ the rarest of all birthdays.

  1. They are less irritable

A study presented at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology askedĀ 366 university students about their temperaments. The findings were that those born in summer tended to be moody. But the winter-bornĀ were steady. In particular, December-bornĀ showed fewer temper tantrums.

Maybe because they had all that practice feigning good manners with Christmas-wrapped birthday presents, hmmm?

  1. They aren't as likely to contract major diseases

If this doesn't give you bragging rights for your December born baby, I don't know what will.

Researchers at the Columbia University Department of Medicine looked at records forĀ 1.75 million patients born between 1900 and 2000 who were treated at the medical center. They looked at 1,668 diseases and birth months and other factors, such as exercise and diet. Check out the handy chart from theĀ Washington PostĀ showingĀ how December babies aren't likely to contract most major diseases.

  1. They are more likely to live to 100

Every parent just wants to outlive their child. The chances are greater with a December-born baby.

Babies born the last month of the year are more likely to live the longest. TheĀ Journal of Aging ResearchĀ said a German study found that the December-born have a "significantly higher risk of surviving up to age 105-plus compared to the June-born."

  1. Boys are more likely to left-handed

Psychologists at the University of Vienna foundĀ boys born from October to February were more likely to be left-handed than those born in other months.Ā The cause is still being researched. But left-handedness is rare, again makingĀ December babiesĀ special.

  1. It's OK that they're among the youngest in their class

One anxiety among parents is that when a December-born child starts school, he or she would be the youngest in the class and that will hurt the child socially and academically. Studies say otherwise. Two economists found that more mature students didn't have the edge in kindergarten or later in middle school. Other studies also showed that in time, it's the younger "strivers" who have the edge in the long run, as thisĀ New Yorker storyĀ details.Ā 

Let us ease your parental anxieties aboutĀ December baby birthday parties

We know parents of December babies have concerns about their child's birthday falling so close to the holiday season. They worryĀ little ones will getĀ the dreaded birthday/Christmas combo present. Or just as bad: a birthday present wrapped in Christmas paper.

All we can say is that sucks and anyone who wraps a birthday in Christmas paperĀ deserves a lump of coal in his/her stocking.

We also know that you fear no one will come to a December birthday party. But as a mother of three girls, I've gone to December parties. I've also gone to the parties that were held during winter break. Yes, pleaseĀ ā€” we NEED something to do!Ā We're there to celebrate the child, whether the party is held before his/her actual birthday, around that time, or a month later.